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Recently updated on November 15th, 2022 at 12:25 pm
About restorative dental medicine it is possible to say the following: If problems with the health of the oral cavity and teeth bother you both aesthetically and functionally, it is restorative dentistry that helps to return them to their previous state. Restorative dental procedures are aimed at restoring teeth and ensuring that teeth with distortions become, if not quite the same as before, then at least to make them look as natural as possible.The methods used during reconstructive dentistry procedures completely differ depending on the complexity of the procedure and the nature of the dental problem under consideration. With some problems with the oral cavity and teeth, such methods of treatment as crowns, veneers, putties and bridges, can provide a solution while in some cases only an aesthetic dental treatment that will satisfy the patient will be enough. In the world of restorative dental treatment, it all depends on the nature and root cause of the problem.
As we already mentioned, methods of restorative dental treatment vary depending on the specific complaint of the patient. That is why it is impossible to have a clear idea of when reconstructive dental treatment is required. In cases where orthodontic treatment is ineffective, restorative procedures may be required or orthodontic or surgical intervention may be required when only restorative dental treatment is planned.

One of the common restorative dental procedure is to fill in the missing tooth cavities. No matter what the process is in que
* Veneer
* Implant
* Aesthetic fillings
* Inlay and Onlay
* Bridge
* Denture (half or full)
These methods are most commonly used to fill in missing dental cavities. However, which method is better is decided by an experienced restorer.
There are many benefits to the patient. One of them is that restorative dental treatment can prevent dental problems that may arise later. Tooth filling is important in preventing tooth decay. The absence of dental fillings significantly affects the chewing of a person. After all, the mouth area is not as large as with healthy teeth, therefore, when chewing, a person exerts more than usual pressure on other teeth. Therefore, missing dental cavities should be filled.
All restorative dental treatment methods, especially restorative tooth filling, can be performed in different ways depending on the structure of the tooth and it’s problem in the root. In this context, the answer to the question how to perform restorative dental treatment actually depends on the patient’s problem individually. However, both material factors and physical factors must be taken into account when deciding which method to choose. Many dentists will try to preserve the natural dental structure as much as possible before considering that restorative dental treatment is the last solution. In some special cases, prosthetic teeth become a more effective option, while in some cases the ideal method can be aesthetic filling, inlay or onlay. With the development and advancement of technology, it is possible to encounter dozens of different tooth restoration methods today. Methods to restore damaged, worn or missing teeth aim to give the person an aesthetic and healthy smile. It is possible to list those methods as follows:
*Directly Applied Dental Restoration Treatments
In directly applied restorative dental treatments, a direct tooth filling is placed in the dental cavity. The treatment is mostly completed in a single session and is known as a minimal network process. The physician chooses between different types of filling, depending on the texture of the region where the filling will be placed, the size of the cavity and the location. For example, it is preferable to use materials such as glass or resin ionomer on teeth that are not under constant pressure due to less chewing.
*Indirectly Applied Dental Restoration Treatments
Tool appliances are used are used in non-direct, restorative dental treatments. This tool may be crowns, onlays or inlays. Each of these methods, referred to as personalized space-filling appliances, serves a different purpose.
Crowns cover the entire chewing surface of the tooth. Inlays are located on the tip of the tooth. When we look at them, we can say that these appliances are used to cover more than one pointed tooth tip, including the chewing surface. Indirect restorative dental treatments often require more than one visit to the dentist, unlike direct treatment methods. This is because inlays and onlays are produced in a clinical laboratory and are tailored to the custom size.
In some tools to get maximum efficiency gold is still used. In other types of appliances, porcelain and similar composite materials are preferred.
Veneers are a composite material made of ceramic or porcelain, usually with a natural tooth color.
Thus, using this material applied in layers, it is possible to create an organic and natural appearance of the teeth.
The biggest advantage of the veneer application is that it restores a maximum aesthetic appearance to the front teeth with cracks, fractures or inequality.
Among other dental restoration techniques that can be applied during reconstructive dentistry, there are alsogluing method, which includes dental implants and removable devices. If you think that you are a suitable candidate for restorative dental treatment and are looking for restorative dentistry clinics in Istanbul, you can contact our clinic to create an appointment immediately and access all the information you are curious about and prices.
This content was recently updated, updated on 7 November 2022 at 07:00 pm