Recently updated on November 15th, 2022 at 12:15 pm
It is an inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of teeth and tissues supporting the tooth (periodontalligament, cement, alveolar bone). Gingivitis advancing to the alveolar bone (jaw bone). The main cause of periodontitis is bacterial plaque and can be treated mechanically. However, genetic, environmental and systematic factors may also be factors in the occurrence of the disease. Systemic factors include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, downsendrome, AIDS, blood diseases.
The first sign of periodontal diseases that are common in the community is bleeding of the gingiva. The gingiva are red, swollen and shiny. Often these symptoms are accompanied by bad breath, itching, bleeding sensation, and tenderness in the teeth.
Periodontal diseases can affect people of all ages, from childhood to old age. The peridontal desiases can progress without symptoms and the patient does not have any complaints such as pain for a long time. When the patient starts to complaint, strong and carious teeth already begin to fall out due to damage to the supporting tissues.
The main cause of bleeding gingiva is the formation of plaques of the gingiva’s line. The accumulation of these plaques causes gingival diseases. When plaque hardens into a tartar, the gingiva begin to bleed. In cases where hardening is enhanced, it causes not only gingival diseases but also effects a jaw bones. Gingival bleeding, which seems like a simple problem, can cause serious problems if left unchecked.
Gingival bleeding occurs due to hard brushing and strong shocks exposure. Incorrect use of the toothbrush and improper brushing technique damages the gingiva.
Gingival bleeding should not be ignored. Very often gingival bleeding can be precursors of leukemia, vitamin deficiency, or blood clotting cell deficiency. Vitamin deficiency is the most common problem.
Other causes of gingival bleeding
• Many of those who have prostheses suffer from gingival bleeding.
• Gingival bleeding may occur during pregnancy, due to hormonal changes which make the gingiva more sensitive.
• Those who use blood thinners often have gingival bleeding.
You should visit your dentist at least 2 times a year. After checking the teeth and gingiva, doctor prescribes the treatment. Proper brushing and flossing prevents plaque formation and reduces the risk of gingival bleeding. Dentists can offer mouthwash which minimizes plaque in the mouth. In addition, gargling with salt water helps to stop gingival bleeding. In addition to dental examinations, blood tests may be required.
The gingiva is a structure on the bone that keeps the teeth fixed. The gingiva is light pink in healthy people, and it’s surface resembles an orange peel. It protects the necks of the teeth and the surrounding tissues. However, bacteria accumulating under gingival line can cause the bleeding and gingival degeneration. If appropriate treatment is not applied, this will lead to teeth lost.
Couses of Gingival recession
• Advanced Gingivitis
• Dental stones
• mproper toothbrushing (pressure with excessive force)
• Improperly placed crowns or fillings
• Age-related causes of recession
• Teeth curvature
• Smoking reduces the blood supply to the gum tissue and causes constant irritation in this area, causing the gingival recession.
• Bruxism
• Habits, such as the constant insertion of foreign objects, such as a toothpick or pin, between the teeth
• Diabetes: gingival recession is three times more common in people with diabetes.
• Morphological changes in the roots of the teeth cause a gum recession.
Gingival recession treatment is carried out using various methods. When treating gingival recession you must first determine the cause of withdrawal. It can be treated with simple preventative methods or gingival surgery.
• Use a soft toothbrush. Move the toothbrush without pressing too hard.
• Quite cigarettes and all tobacco products.
• Use dental floss and antibacterial mouthwash.
• If you suffer from bruxism, you can use splints and mouth guards at night.
• Encrease the vitamin C dose in your diet.
• Drink plenty of water.
However, if the recession has reached a serious level and it has the risk of teeth loss, surgical treatment is necessary. The exposed surface can be closed by displacing the gingival tissue, or by the graft(tissue) taking from the palate using surgical methods. The grafts also can be obtained from the patient’s body or, if necessary it could be made from artificial material.
Gingivitis most often occurs due to bacterial infections. Gingivitis consequences depends on the region where it is produced. Gingivitis often causes pain during speech and chewing. It usually disappears on its own within a few days. If the inflammation lasts about a week, you should consult your dentist.
Gingivitis often does not show symptoms in many people. Therefore, gingivitis may occur even if symptoms are absent.
Symptoms of Gingivitis
• Gingiva sensitivity, redness, and swelling
• White inflammatory formations
• Bleeding while brushing or flossing
• Gingiva recession
• Teeth weakening
• Pain during speech and chewing
• Extremely sensitivity to hot and cold foods
• Bad breath
The main reason of gingivitis is poor oral and dental health.
Other Reasons:
• Smoking
• Diabetes
• Pregnancy
• Structural disorders
• Genetic factors
• Regular oral and dental health care should be done
• Teeth should be brushed in accordance with the proper technique 3 times a day.
• Dental floss should be used regularly.
• Salt water gargling is reccomended from time to time.
Gingivitis should be treated by a qualified specialist. As with many other diseases, it is very important to make a diagnosis in the early stages. For the effective treatment regular oral health care procedures and adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor is very important. First of all, the doctor must remove the dental calculus. Thus, all plaques, tartar and bacteria on the teeth shoul be cleaned. And in conclusion the methods applied during professional treatment have the leading role.
The main reason for the teeth to start swinging is usually the problems with the gingiva recession in both the supporting tissues and the neck of the teeth caused by this inflammation.
• Gingival diseases
• Poor oral hygiene
• Gingival or periodontal diseases caused by plaque and dental stones
• Injuries and cracks in the jaw bones and dental tissues after trauma to the chin face area
• Osteoporosis
Gingival inflammation in the surrounding hard and soft tissues of the mouth cavity over time can lead to chewing difficulties and teeth lost
bad breath is halitosis. It often caused by lack of oral care, infections in the mouth, unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, and the food you eat. Other possible causes could be dry mouth, respiratory infections, systemic diseases such as diabetes, kidney, liver, and lung diseases or digestive system diseases such as reflux.
Signs and Symptoms
Depending on the underlying cause, the factors that cause bad breath in the mouth may vary. Some people are too worried by bad breat, even if they have a slight smell or do not have it at all. Others do not know that their mouth smells bad. The main reasons may be poor oral hygiene due to plaque, food debris or gingivitis. It’s not easy to understand how your breath smells. One way to check for bad breath is to cover your mouth and nose with your hand, inhale in your palm, and then smell. Another way is to directly ask the person you are sincere about whether your breath stinks. You can also contact your dentist to confirm that your mouth smells bad and to ask for a treatment.
Causes of Bad Breath
Halitosis often begins in the mouth and has many possible causes. Some foods you eat (especially onions and garlic, etc.), Alcohol and smoking, poor oral hygiene, guingival diseases, diabetes, dry mouth, sinus or throat infection, lung infection, kidney / liver failure and problems with the digestive system – all these takes place to be the cause.
Diagnostics of bad breath
It can be difficult to determine the cause of bad breath without the help of a healthcare professional, as there can be many reasons. For that reason it is better to make an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist can diagnose the cause of your bad breathing and, if necessary, refer you to your family doctor or other specialist.
How to prevent a bad breath?
As a rule, the most effective way to prevent bad breath is to brush your teeth and floss every day. However, your dentist can reccomend you other methods that will help to freshen your breath.
Treatment of Bad Breath
Always take care of your oral care habits. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day will help control plaque formation. In addition, cleaning the tongue will prevent the formation of unpleasant odors on the tongue. Dental flossing is important to maintain the cleanliness of the spaces between the teeth. Also it is a great measure to visit your dentist regularly twice a year for the inspection and professional brushing.
Gum problems are mainly caused by plaques that accumulate on and around the tooth. The best way to remove these plaques is to brush your teeth 2 times a day. However, no matter how well you brush your teeth, there may be places that you cannot easily reach between your teeth. Plaques accumulate in these areas, forming structures called tartar, which are very difficult to brush only. If the tartar is not removed, this can lead to the accumulation of more plaque and ultimately to problems with the gums.
Your dentist may recommend professional cleaning to prevent the progression of gum problems and help prevent these problems.
Tartar cleaning should only be done by your dentist.
At the first stage of the cleaning process, the dental stone is cleaned. Cleaning usually ends with the use of ultrasonic devices.
At the next stage, the tooth is polished and smoothed. While the polishing process continues, the remaining plaques are removed and the tooth acquires a healthier and brighter image. In addition to acquiring an aesthetic appearance, this process helps protect the tooth from possible plaque formation.
Your dentist will advice you how often you should repeat this procedure. cleaning of tartar provides additional benefits for daily oral care, but do not forget that it will never replace brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day. Your dentist may recommend using toothpaste, which can be clinically proven to help remove plaque to help you with your daily oral care.
This content was recently updated, updated on 7 November 2022 at 07:05 pm