
Year Degree Institute
2012 Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry
2018 Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Professional Experiences

Year Department Position Hospital
2021 Oral and Dental Health Dentistry Ersoy Hospital

Recently updated on September 17th, 2022 at 08:45 pm

Professional Memberships

  • Founding President of the Association of Specialist Dentists, 2019
  • International Team for Implantology (ITI), 2015


Sciences Publications

  1. Articles Published in International Refereed Journals (Within the Scope of SCI and SCI Expanded)


1.1. Afat M, Akdogan E.T, The Heart, O. The Effects of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin Alone and Combined With Hyaluronic Acid on Pain, Edema, and Trismus After Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2017; 76(5) :926-932.


1.2. Afat M, Akdogan E.T, The Heart, O. Effects of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin alone and combined with hyaluronic acid on early soft tissue healing after surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars: a prospective clinical study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 47.2 (2019): 280-286.


  1. Articles Published in Other International Refereed Journals


2.1. Afat M Infraorbital Schwannomas: Review of the Literature and Presentation of a Rare Case. Ann Otolaryngol Rhinol 2018 5(4): 1217.


  1. Articles Published in National Refereed Journals


3.1. Afat I.M, Akdogan E.T, Heart O,; Göker M.K. Buried 3. evaluation of the correlation of self-assessed VAS edema scores of volunteers after surgical extraction of molar teeth with percentage edema measurements performed by the physician. Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry 7tepe Clinical Journal 2017; 14(1) : 25-30.


  1. Proceedings presented in international scientific conferences and in Articles) published


4.1. Afat M, Gönül O, Uğurlu F, Akdogan E.T, Goker K. Noninvasive Treatment Choice for a Large Radical Periapical Cyst at Mentum and Its 8 Years Follow Up. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association Association and Balkan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons Joint Congress, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.


4.2. Akdogan E.T, Lucky F., Heart O., Afat M. Evaluation of Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion with Piezosurgery Versus Oscillating Saw. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 9. International Congress, 2015, Antalya, Turkey.


4.3. Afat M, Gönül O., Akdogan E.T, Uğurlu F, Sipahi A, Göker K. Surgical Management of a Giant Epulis Fissuratum by Nd-Yag Laser: A Case Report. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 9. International Congress, 2015, Antalya, Turkey.


4.4. Akdogan E.T, Afat M, Atali O, Ozcelik E, Garip H. Preliminary Report: Split-Crest Technique for Mandible Ridge Augmentation. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 10. International Congress, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.


4.5. Akdogan E.T, Uğurlu F, Afat M, Tekkeşin M. Histological Variation of Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor: a Case Report. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 10. International Congress, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.


4.6. Afat M, Akdogan E.T, Heart O, Existence A. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Maxilla and Its Surgical Treatment: A Case Report. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 10. International Congress, 2016, Antalya, Turkey.


4.7. Akdogan E.T, Afat M, Aktop S, Atali O, Gönül O. Augmentation of Atrophic Posterior Mandible with Autogenous Block Graft Before Implant: Case Series. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24. International Congress, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.


4.8. Afat M, Akdogan E.T, Heart O, Aladag M.K, Goker K. Buried 3. Evaluation of the Correlation of the VAS Edema Scores Evaluated by the Volunteers Themselves After the Surgical Extraction of the Molar Teeth with the Measurements Made by the Physician as a Percentage. Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24. International Congress, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.


4.9. Akdogan E.T, Afat M, Gonul O, Ugurlu F, Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor: A Case Report Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 24. International Congress, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.


4.10. Afat M, Akdogan E.T, The Heart, O. A novel technique for the preparation of sticky bone: Solid hyaluronic acid scaffold supported sticky bone. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association 12. International Congress, 2018, Antalya, Turkey.

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